The Vision of
full counsel
Our vision at Full Counsel Ministries is:
To see the lost saved and delivered through the Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
To see those that have believed on Him receive and walk in the "Fullness of Salvation" by the perfecting of their faith through sound biblical teaching and preaching.
To see God raise up a body of baptized, Holy Ghost filled believers who have a clear understanding of biblical truths and their relationship with Jesus Christ & ultimately watching them grow and mature in their walk with God.
To see God raise up a body of believers who will earnestly contend for the faith that was once committed to the saints by rightly dividing the Word of Truth and through the demonstration of the power of the Holy Ghost.
To see all believers fulfill their God-given destiny. To impart and exemplify the three G’s of ministry (Glean, Grow and Go Forth) which is our ministerial motto for all ministers and saints.
To establish community outreach facilities called "Dream Centers." To establish a Day Care, a Pre-K through 12th grade School, and a Bible College/Seminary School.
To own various properties for community and business developments. To establish and own Radio and TV stations, a Book Publishing Company and Recording Studios.
To establish various ministries throughout the city, the nation, and ultimately, the world.