Our ministries are designed to help you walk in your gifts and callings, and to help support, edify, and encourage your family.

Marraige Counseling
Dr. Brown has more than 10 years of direct counseling experience with couples, families and individuals, and has a strong track record in saving marriages and preparing couples for marriage. He also has a strong record in helping individuals overcome personal and family hurts and traumas. Dr. Brown has a Doctorate Degree and a Master’s Degree in Theological Studies as well as a Bachelor of Arts in Communications from Oklahoma State University.
Voices of Praise (Praise Team)
The Voices of Praise main objective is to set the atmosphere for worship and praise during service. The praise and worship is ministered in a way that usher us into the presence of God so that the anointing can flow more easily.

Ushers Ministry
The Ushers Ministry operates in the spirit of hospitality as they work to greet each guest with love. The ushers are there to serve you with any items you or your children may need during service and they are also available to answer any questions you may have.
Women's Ministry
The Women's Ministry comes together several times throughout the year to enjoy special activities designed for women like brunches, a girls night out, spa days etc. This group also has ministry related events like Women’s Sundays and guest speakers to minister to the special needs of women. Finally, these women mentor and pray with other women who join the church to ensure they are equipped with what they need to stay connected to the things of God.

Pastoral Care Team
The Pastoral Care Team works to raise extra funds each month and throughout the year to support special ministry expenses. They also work on special projects from our pastor as requested so that our pastor has what he needs to stay focused on ministering, preaching and teaching the word whether locally at our church or as he travels to minister.
"The Frontline" Mens Ministry
"The Frontline" fellowships thru activities designed for men like bowling, movies, a men’s night out etc. "The Frontline" mentors and prays with other men and young men to ensure they are equipped to stay connected to God while facing the test and trials of life. "The Frontline" also has ministry related events like Men’s Sundays and guest speakers to minister to the special needs of men.